Pre-Retirement Seminar

14 Nov 00:00 - 30 Nov 00:00

The 2023 Pre-retirement seminar was held virtually from 14 to 30 November 2023.

Please click here for the 2023 agenda.

Please scroll down for the 2023 presentations as well as recordings of each session.


Course objectives

For some of us, retirement is around the corner. The prospect raises questions which must be answered before we take decisions and make choices.

Every year a pre-retirement seminar is organized to help you to identify solutions that cater to your needs by making information available not only of an administrative nature of direct relevance to your departure from the United Nations, but also of a more general nature designed to facilitate your transition to the new phase of your life and make the most of your retirement.

At the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  • plan the transition from work to retirement;
  • understand various administrative formalities related to retirement;
  • prepare your day-to-day life after leaving the Organization.

Target audience

This programme is designed for the staff members who are retiring soon (0 - 5 years prior to mandatory retirement age)

THE CURRENT Pre-Retirement Seminar:



Week 1

14 November (10:30 - 12:00): Testament et droit successoral en France (PDF French only) – Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.

14 November (14:00 - 15:30): Formalités de résidence en France (PDF French only) – Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.

15 November (10:30 - 12:00): Separation: Administrative Formalities (HR) (PDF English only); Legitimation Card (PDF in French) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the answers to unanswered questions on HR formalities and CDL collected in Slido.

15 November (14:00 - 15:15): Office of the Staff Counsellor (PDF English only); Access to the Palais des Nations / Security  (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording.

16 November (10:30 - 12:00): Impôts en France (PDF French only)– Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.

16 November (14:00 – 15:00): Assurances Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse(CNAV) (PDF French only)– Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.


Week 2

21 November (14:00 – 17:00): United Nations Joint Pension Fund - Pension Benefits and Separation Process (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and please click here for French Recording.

22 November (14:00 – 17:00): United Nations Joint Pension Fund - Pension - Two Track System (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording. UNJSPF organizes global townhall meetings monthly. Anyone can attend and no pre-registration is required. You can access via this link.  

23 November (10:30 - 11:00): La Mutuelle (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording.

23 November (11:00 - 12:00): Comment prendre soins de votre argent? (PDF in French) – Please click here for the English Recording.

23 November (14:00 – 15:30): Association des Anciens Fonctionnaires Internationaux (AAFI) (PDF in English, PDF in French) , 10 keys to a successful retirement (PDF in English, PDF in French), senior housing (PDF French only) Please click here for the English recording.

24 November (10:00 - 11:00): UN Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) (PDF in English), 10 principles of sound financial planning (PDF in English only) – Please click here for the English Recording.

24 November (14:00 – 15:00): Financial Co-operative Association of International Civil Servants (AMFIE) (PDF in English/PDF in French) – Please click here for the English Recording.


Week 3

27 November (10:30 - 12:00): Testament et droit successoral en Suisse (PDF French only)– Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

27 November (14:00 – 14:45): UN Women's Guild (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English recording.

28 November (10:30 - 12:00): Impôts en Suisse (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English recording, and please click here for the French recording.

28 November (14:00 – 16:00): Système de sécurité sociale en Suisse (AVS) (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English recording, and click here for the French recording.

29 November (10:30 - 12:00): Formalités de résidence en Suisse (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

29 November (14:00 – 15:30): Formalités naturalisation en Suisse (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

30 November (10:30 - 12:00): UNSMIS (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

30 November (12:45 - 13:45): Life Design and Thrive (PDF in English) – Please click here for the English Recording.

30 November (14:00 – 15:00): GPAFI - Complementary Insurances (PDF English only) – Please click here for the French Recording.



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