Pre-Retirement Seminar

14 nov 00:00 - 30 nov 00:00

Le séminaire de la préretraite 2023 s'est tenu virtuellement du 14 au 30 Novembre 2023.

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Objectifs du cours

Vous partez bientôt à la retraite ? Un grand nombre de questions se posent à vous et vous souhaitez y répondre avant de prendre des décisions et de faire des choix.

Chaque année les Nations Unies organisent un séminaire pour vous aider à identifier des solutions adaptées à vos besoins: Nous vous proposons des informations à caractère administratif, directement liées à votre départ de notre Organisation, et aussi à caractère plus général pour vous faciliter la transition vers une nouvelle phase de votre vie et valoriser votre retraite.

Après ce cours, vous serez capable de :

  • planifier le processus de transition vers la prise de retraite
  • comprendre les processus administratifs entourant le départ à la retraite
  • préparer la vie quotidienne après le départ de l'Organisation

Public cible

Les membres du personnel proches de l'âge de la retraite (entre 0 et 5 ans avant la date officielle de retraite)




Week 1

14 November (10:30 - 12:00): Testament et droit successoral en France (PDF French only) – Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.

14 November (14:00 - 15:30): Formalités de résidence en France (PDF French only) – Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.

15 November (10:30 - 12:00): Separation: Administrative Formalities (HR) (PDF English only); Legitimation Card (PDF in French) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the answers to unanswered questions on HR formalities and CDL collected in Slido.

15 November (14:00 - 15:15): Office of the Staff Counsellor (PDF English only)Access to the Palais des Nations / Security  (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording.

16 November (10:30 - 12:00): Impôts en France (PDF French only)– Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.

16 November (14:00 – 15:00): Assurances Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse(CNAV) (PDF French only)– Please click here for the French recording, and click here for the English Recording.


Week 2

21 November (14:00 – 17:00): United Nations Joint Pension Fund - Pension Benefits and Separation Process (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and please click here for French Recording.

22 November (14:00 – 17:00): United Nations Joint Pension Fund - Pension - Two Track System (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

23 November (10:30 - 11:00): La Mutuelle (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording.

23 November (11:00 - 12:00): Comment prendre soins de votre argent? (PDF in French) – Please click here for the English Recording.

23 November (14:00 – 15:30): Association des Anciens Fonctionnaires Internationaux (AAFI) (PDF in English, PDF in French) , 10 keys to a successful retirement (PDF in English, PDF in French), senior housing (PDF French only)– Please click here for the English recording.

24 November (10:00 - 11:00): UN Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) (PDF in English), 10 principles of sound financial planning (PDF in English only) – Please click here for the English Recording.

24 November (14:00 – 15:00): Financial Co-operative Association of International Civil Servants (AMFIE) (PDF in English/PDF in French) – Please click here for the English Recording.


Week 3

27 November (10:30 - 12:00): Testament et droit successoral en Suisse (PDF French only)– Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

27 November (14:00 – 14:45): UN Women's Guild (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English recording.

28 November (10:30 - 12:00): Impôts en Suisse (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English recording, and please click here for the French recording.

28 November (14:00 – 16:00): Système de sécurité sociale en Suisse (AVS) (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English recording, and click here for the French recording.

29 November (10:30 - 12:00): Formalités de résidence en Suisse (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

29 November (14:00 – 15:30): Formalités naturalisation en Suisse (PDF French only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

30 November (10:30 - 12:00): UNSMIS (PDF English only) – Please click here for the English Recording, and click here for the French recording.

30 November (12:45 - 13:45): Life Design and Thrive (PDF in English) – Please click here for the English Recording.

30 November (14:00 – 15:00): GPAFI - Complementary Insurances (PDF English only) – Please click here for the French Recording.


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