Russian: You Have the Floor! (UN III) - ONLINE

Course Objective

The goal of this course is to improve your oral communication skills and benefit from your tutor’s constructive correction. You will participate in discussions on topical issues relating to society, the economy, culture, history, literature, leisure and professional life based on various media materials – video, podcasts, movies, etc.


During this course, you will develop your self-expression, become more confident in interacting spontaneously, and use idiomatic expressions and vocabulary in various conversational and professional topics.

Methodology / Approach

This course will help you develop your oral comprehension and spontaneous oral production skills through participating in guided in-class activities in different configurations: one-to-one, small group or full group. You will also do some short pre- and post-course tasks leading into/consolidating the themes covered.


There is no formal evaluation. Completion requirement: attendance at a minimum of eight sessions.


12.30 - 2.30 p.m.