French: You Have the Floor! - Part 3 (UN III-IV) - ONLINE

Course Objective

The goal of this course is to help you acquire and maintain oral fluency through exchanges and discussions between colleagues on current and varied issues, including society, economy, culture, history and professional life.


Each week, you have a fully "oral" lesson on a topical issue for you to:
- use and enrich vocabulary to improve argumentation skills.
- develop public speaking and spontaneous oral interaction.
- use idiomatic expressions and words in the news.
- discover the French-speaking world's treatment of subjects and deepen your understanding of Francophone culture.
- participate and exchange in discussions, debates, simulations, role-plays and fun activities.

Methodology / Approach

This course will help you develop oral comprehension and spontaneous oral production through:
- autonomous activities based on interactive videos on the theme of the week.
- unprompted oral production with personalised correction in accordance with your objectives.


There is no formal evaluation. Completion requirement: attendance at a minimum of eight sessions. For your oral production, you will receive personalized feedback from the teacher.


12.30 - 2.00 p.m.