English: Writing in Plain English (UN III-IV) - ONLINE

Course Objective

This short course will help you apply Plain language principles to your writing in the United Nations context and become a better writer. After the course, you will produce texts that are easier to read, understand and act upon after just one reading.

Plain language, law in the United States since 2010 and in New Zealand since 2022, is increasingly encouraged by governments, administrations and organizations worldwide. These include UNODA UNITAR, EC and WHO. Clear and concise texts improve communication and save time and money for all involved.


The course comprises six webinars:
1. What is Plain English (and what is it not)?
2. Indispensable links and resources and how to use them
3. Artificial Intelligence at the service of your writing
4. Lexical issues – less is more
5. Grammatical issues – pitfalls to avoid
6. Putting the theory into practice for tangible results

Methodology / Approach

You will have six webinars supported by an online platform and do short tasks to prepare for and consolidate these sessions. You will have an individual writing project with feedback and a coaching session. Extra resources are available for further autonomous study.


You will be evaluated through: attendance at a minimum of four webinars, online platform participation and your writing project.


12.30 - 1.30 p.m.