English: LPE Preparation (UN III-IV) - ONLINE

Course Objective

The goal of this course is to prepare you for the Language Proficiency Examination (LPE).


The course includes an introduction to the format of the listening, reading, speaking and writing tests, as well as regular practice in techniques and strategies for passing the exam. You will also consolidate your vocabulary and grammar knowledge. It covers topics frequently encountered in the UN context.

Methodology / Approach

You will attend six virtual classes (20 May-24 June). Materials are given beforehand to prepare for each session. The course also includes a coaching session during which an individual mock oral exam is recorded and then commented upon and improved.


You will be evaluated through: preparation, presence and participation in a minimum of eight sessions, completion of the online mock test and attendance at the coaching session.


12.30 - 2.30 p.m.