English: Intermediate Skills (UN II) - ONLINE

Course Objective

The goal of this course is to develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. We will also revise essential grammar and vocabulary points at intermediate level.


You will learn how to talk about yourself, your world, and your domestic and professional life at intermediate level through various topics including professional experience, technology, diversity, the media and the environment. You will also improve your ability to interact professionally and socially, describe and narrate experiences, and express and justify viewpoints at intermediate level.

Methodology / Approach

You will learn with a communicative approach, interacting with other students. You will also learn strategies for improving your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. In addition to attendance in class, you will also have autonomous tasks to complete.


You will be evaluated through: your attendance at a minimum of fifteen sessions, and completion of course assignments and tasks.


Mondays & Wednesdays
6.00 - 7.30 p.m.