Arabic: Preparing for an Interview in Arabic - (UN III) - ONLINE

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to reinforce your skills and your confidence to take part in Arabic interviews. Whether for job opportunities, or any other professional context requiring Arabic proficiency, this course aims to enhance language fluency and interview performance.


This course offers an overview of the interview landscape for jobs at the United Nations and other international organizations, especially in peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and diplomacy contexts. You will learn about the cultural expectations and norms vital for effective communication in diverse Arabic-speaking environments, essential for success in UN interviews. You will also learn to align your communication skills with the professional standards of international organizations.

Methodology / Approach

The course employs an approach blending language proficiency development with interview-specific strategies. You will engage in interactive sessions focusing on vocabulary building, grammar deepening, pronunciation practice and cultural nuance. Additionally, mock interviews will provide the opportunity for practical experience and feedback tailored to your needs.


You will be evaluated through: a comprehensive mock interview and attendance at a minimum of eight sessions.


8.00 - 10.00 a.m.